By Robin Postell


By Robin Postell

Keeping the Muse: An Unapologetic Reality for Creatives

You really want to know how the supremely creative minds—writers, artists, and thinkers—keep the Muse at their beck and call? Here’s the naked truth: The Muse gravitates towards mastery. She senses the burgeoning genius and dives headlong into the creative tempest. So, the secret is simple: Be a genius, and she’ll stick around.

But hold your horses. Here lies a delicious paradox: achieving such effortless creative inspiration is anything but simple.

The Muse and Me: A Growing Fascination

Over the years, my understanding and appreciation of the Muse have deepened, though she has always manifested as a female presence to me. Despite my natural inclination towards masculine energies, the Muse is all woman, and her absence leaves me bereft, my spirits as deflated as flip flops.

Without the Muse, my world dims considerably.

Writing from Experience

The Muse has a brutal side. We’ve clashed in the ethereal realms for as long as I can remember. She appears when least expected, igniting a fire within me—a fire of unicorn sparkles and magical fairy dust.

She operates without limits, whimsically weaving her magic whenever she pleases. If you can’t match her boundless spirit, she has no use for you.

The Dread of Writer’s Block

Writer’s block is more than an inconvenience—it’s a sign of creative impotence. When the words won’t flow, it’s often because life’s busyness drowns out the necessary solitude for creative inspiration. The collective drone of daily responsibilities can lead to a personal creative decay.

I’d love to promise that the Muse will always be there, but creativity isn’t that simple. You might know your story inside out, but without that special “sauce,” your words will fall flat, lifeless.

Great stories burst forth unchained. When mundane distractions occupy your mind, the Muse will shun you, leaving you to flounder in your creative drought.

The Fickle Muse: A Romance for the Ages

The Muse is elusive, traversing through walls and distances to inspire others, leaving you yearning for her return. Her domain is a subatomic space—a cradle of creativity not bound by conventional dimensions.

This place is where masters meet their masterpieces, where the most incredible creations are born. It’s a realm that dwarfs even the most fantastical earthly wonders.

Building a Lasting Bond with the Muse

To forge a lasting connection with the Muse, you must embrace suffering. Dive deep into the raw, painful truths of your existence, even if it means bypassing a day’s dose of antidepressants to feel the depth of your reality.

Weep bitterly, express your anguish openly, and dare to expose the most vulnerable parts of your soul. This is the fertile ground from which true creative inspiration springs. If your creations don’t bleed, they won’t command attention—not even yours.

In your darkest moments, when you feel the world might be better off without you, the Muse takes notice. She thrives on your turmoil, seeing potential in your despair.

The Harsh Reality of Creative Relationships

Consider the Muse like a potential lover who is clearly out of your league—intimidating, otherworldly, and impossibly beautiful. This relationship, while painful, is irresistibly compelling.

When the frenzy of inspiration ebbs, the Muse will coldly move on, forgetting you as soon as your productivity wanes. She’s drawn to fresh creativity, constantly seeking the next brilliant mind ripe for her influence.

The Irony of the Muse

The Muse is capricious, her loyalty fleeting. She rewards genius but abandons it just as quickly when the inevitable human flaws emerge. After a creative high, the descent can be steep, leaving you lost and desolate, scrambling to recapture that fleeting brilliance.

The Muse Paradox

In the throes of creativity, time bends. The Muse exists in this timeless realm, weaving in and out of your life, appearing only during moments of intense creative engagement. When those moments fade, so does she, leaving a void filled with doubt and longing.

This relationship is central to the artist’s life, overshadowing all other human connections. It is a cycle of intense joy and profound despair, a perpetual dance with a being as essential as it is elusive.


Writer and photographer since age seven, I took it pro when I turned 21, freelancing for newspapers and magazines internationally. Now, I'm shifting gears looking for new adventures, both personally and professionally - the two have, frequently, been synonymous. A writer must adapt to the tsunami of technology and information in this brave new world. I'm game. R

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